Download XMath.
XMath is created to ease the job of creating Math-related PowerPoint. I am a secondary school teacher in Malaysia, teaching Form 4 and Form 5 Mathematics. Creating PowerPoint take me lot of time, so I decided to create XMath to simplify the works.
XMath is updated almost every month so that to fix the bugs and also increase more new features.
XMATH’S features

- Draw a red rectangle at mouse position or draw a rectangle around selected text (shortcut = ALT XQ)

- Draw a red oval at mouse position or draw an oval around selected text (shortcut = ALT XW)

- Draw arrows at selected oval (shortcut = ALT XMO1)

- Draw arrows with selected oval (shortcut = ALT XMO2)

- Draw an oval between 2 selected shapes (shortcut = ALT XM2D)

- Draw a horizontal red line at mouse position or draw a red line under selected text (shortcut = ALT XE)

- Draw a small red dot at mouse position (shortcut = ALT XD)

- Draw a left arrow at selected line (shortcut = ALT X<)

- Draw a left middle arrow at selected line (shortcut = ALT XM,)

- Draw a right arrow at selected line (shortcut = ALT X>)

- Draw a right middle arrow at selected line (shortcut = ALT XM.)

- Change selected solid line to dash line (shortcut = ALT X-)

- Draw a quarter arc at mouse position (shortcut = ALT XZ)

- Draw a line with n * width of selected line (shortcut = ALT XL)
- Clone selected Shape(s) at default position of selected shapes without copy the attached animations (shortcut = ALT XCS)

- Draw a Right Angle at mouse position (shortcut = ALT X90)

- Merge Lines (shortcut = ALT XML)

- Connect selected lines into a polygon and fill it with default color (shortcut = ALT XFS)

- Connect selected shapes with straight line (shortcut = ALT XCD)

- Connect selected shapes with curve (shortcut = ALT XCC)

- Convert selected line to sine wave (shortcut = ALT XCW)
- Hide Shapes (shortcut = ALT XHS)
- Paste Image to fit screen (shortcut = ALT XPI)
- Fragmentize selected shapes, grouped them, fill it with yellow color (shortcut = ALT XSF)
- Swap 2 selected shapes’ position (shortcut = ALT XSP)
- Copy position of a selected shape (shortcut = ALT XCP)
- Restore position of a selected shape to previous saved position (shortcut = ALT XPP)
- Shape – No Fill (shortcut = ALT XNF)
- Shape – No outline (shortcut = ALT XNL)

- Objects Arrange Menu

- Shape Effects Menu

- Combine Shapes Menu (shortcut = ALT XSM)
- Line Weight = 1 (shortcut = ALT X1)
- Line Weight = 2 (shortcut = ALT X2)
- Line Weight = 3 (shortcut = ALT X3)
- Line Weight = 4 (shortcut = ALT X4)
- Line Weight = 5 (shortcut = ALT X5)
- Line Weight = 6 (shortcut = ALT X6)
- Fill the outline and selected shape with same Color (shortcut = ALT XSC)
- Uncolor the selected shape (shortcut = ALT XNC)
- Fill the outline of selected shapes with black color (shortcut = ALT X0)
- Fill the outline of selected shapes with Red color (shortcut = ALT XR)
- Fill the outline of selected shapes with Blue color (shortcut = ALT XB)
- Fill the outline of selected shapes with Purple color (shortcut = ALT XPU)
- Fill the selected shapes with Yellow color (shortcut = ALT XFCY)
- Fill the selected shapes with Cyan color (shortcut = ALT XFCC)
- Fill the selected shapes with Green color (shortcut = ALT XFCG)
- Fill the selected shapes with Red color (shortcut = ALT XFCR)
- Fill the selected shapes with Blue color (shortcut = ALT XFCB)
- Fill the selected shapes with Purple color (shortcut = ALT XFCP)
- Set selected shape fill color opacity (shortcut = ALT XFO)
- Set selected shape outline color opacity (shortcut = ALT XSLO)
- Set selected text color opacity (shortcut = ALT XSTO)
- Set selected text color to transparent (shortcut = ALT XTT)
- Set textbox margin to 0 (shortcut = ALT XM0)
- Set table margin to 0 (shortcut = ALT XTM)
- Set selected text to black color (shortcut = ALT XT0)
- Set selected text to red color (shortcut = ALT XTR)
- Set selected text to blue color (shortcut = ALT XTB)
- Set selected text to purple color (shortcut = ALT XTP)
- Set selected text’s font size (shortcut = ALT XTS)
- Set selected text’s font to Times New Roman (shortcut = ALT XTF)
- Default Textbox format (size = 26, font = Times New Roman) (shortcut = ALT XTO)
- Set ruler indent (shortcut = ALT XSRI)
- Set Tab stop (shortcut = ALT XSTS)
- Remove White Space of selected text (shortcut = ALT X/)

- Split selected text from textbox (shortcut = ALT X\\)

- Split Math Expression (shortcut = ALT X\M)

- Split Text Vertically (shortcut = ALT X\V)
- Fill in the blank (set the selected text color to be transparent, then create a textbox with selected text) (shortcut = ALT X_)
- Clone selected Text (shortcut = ALT XCT)
- Align Textboxes with = of the first selected shape (shortcut = ALT XA=)
- Replace part of text color of selected shapes, like replace all color of “=” in all shapes (shortcut = ALT XTC)
- Set Fraction’s nominator and denominator to Transparent (shortcut = ALT XFT)
- Clone Fraction’s numerator or denominator (shortcut = ALT XCF)
- Appear (shortcut = ALT XAA)
- Disappear (shortcut = ALT XFD)
- Move the first selected shape to second selected shape horizontally (shortcut = ALT XMH)
- Move the first selected shape to second selected shape vertically (shortcut = ALT XMV)
- Move the first selected shape to second selected shape’s position (shortcut = ALT XMX)
- Remove Animation of selected shape(s) (shortcut = ALT X’)
- Set the animation of second selected shape to be triggered by clicking the first selected shape (shortcut = ALT XAC)
- Zoom (shortcut = ALT XAZ)
- Fly to left (shortcut = ALT XAFA)
- Fly to right (shortcut = ALT XAFD)
- Fly to Top (shortcut = ALT XAFW)
- Fly to Bottom (shortcut = ALT XAFX)
- Fade out (shortcut = ALT XAFF)
- wipe to left (shortcut = ALT XAWA)
- wipe to right (shortcut = ALT XAWD)
- wipe to Top (shortcut = ALT XAWW)
- wipe to Bottom (shortcut = ALT XAWX)
- Increase Bullet Start Value (shortcut = ALT X.=)
- Decrease Bullet Start Value (shortcut = ALT X.-)
- Number List Style
- Rotate a shape (shortcut = ALT XO)
- Set center of rotation of selected shape (shortcut = ALT XCR)
- Screen 4:3
- Screen 16:9
- Screen A4
- Set Spell Check Language to English(UK)
- Set Spell Check Language to English(US)
- Set Spell Check Language to Malay
- Show Reading View and mouse pointer (shortcut = ALT XV)
- Set Slideshow to last animation (shortcut = ALT XS1)
- Clone shape, set the cloned shape to be fill with yellow color, then set the clone shape to wipe from left (shortcut = ALT XC1)
- Clone text, set the cloned text to be fill with yellow color, then set the clone text to wipe from left (shortcut = ALT XC2)
- Convert PowerPoint to Video 1080p 60fps

- Special Menu (shortcut = ALT XX>)
- Font Color Picker
- Outline Dashes Gallery
- Arrow Style Gallery
- Object Align Menu
- Insert Textbox at mouse position (shortcut = ALT XIT)
- Insert Textbox horizontally after selected Textbox (shortcut = ALT XID)
- Insert Textbox Downward after selected Textbox (shortcut = ALT XIX)
- Insert Textbox Upward after selected Textbox (shortcut = ALT XIW)
- Merge selected Textboxes Vertically (shortcut = ALT XIMV)
- Merge selected Textboxes Horizontally (shortcut = ALT XIMH)
- Evaluate Mathematics Expression (shortcut = ALT X=)
- Convert number to fraction (shortcut = ALT XT/)
- Convert radian to degree (shortcut = ALT XTD)
- Find Base Number (shortcut = ALT XFBN)
- Convert to Base 10 (shortcut = ALT XFB0)
- Convert selected text to Mathematics Expression (shortcut = ALT XCM)
- Change color of Math symbols (shortcut = ALT XMC)
- Graph (shortcut = ALT XFG)
- Draw graph paper, y-axis, x-axis
- Draw linear, quadratic, cubic, riciprocal
- Draw stem-and-leaf plot, Dot plot, Box Plot
- Draw sinus and cosinus graph
- Matrix (shortcut = ALT XFM)
- Find inverse matrix
- Find solution of simultaneous equation with matrix method
- Base Calculator (shortcut = ALT XFBC)
- Set Variables
- Quadratic Equation Solver (shortcut = ALT XFQS)
- Helper (shortcut = ALT XSS)
- Statistics
- Calculate N, minimum value, maximum value, range, mean, variance, standard deviation, Median, First quartile, Third quartile, interquartile range.
- Download the file: XMath.
- Run PowerPoint.
- Click Option > Add-ins > Manage: PowerPoint Add-ins > Go… > Add New…
- Locate the downloaded file (XMath) and click OK.
- When you are asked to Enable Macros or Disable Macros, click Enable Macros.
- A new tab named “XMath” is added to the ribbon.